[Classweb-users] Linking into LC's OPAC from ClassWeb

Corey O'Halloran fidais at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 20 08:29:54 EDT 2011

Correct me if I am wrong but I think should be able to link from a particular number in ClassWeb directly into LC's OPAC using the "click for more options" icon. 
1. Do hierarchy browser search for G465 1975-
2. click on grey box for further options to link to OPAC.
3. the result is that I go to LC's OPAC homepage rather than directly into its live bibliographic display of records with G465.  This means that once at LC's homepage I have to do a separate call number browse search for G465 to access the records attached to this number.
I have repeated this search using different numbers and the results always bring me to LC's OPAC homepage rather than directly into the bibliographic live view.  All other correlation options available under the grey box function well.
Is there a problem?

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