[Classweb-users] KZ2163-2164 question

Kathy Winzer kwinzer at stanford.edu
Thu Oct 19 19:07:26 EDT 2006

I'm trying to classify Paulus Vladimir (authority record: Wlodkowic, 
Pawel where both "l" have a slash through them). He is a pre-18th 
century publicist and belongs after KZ2163 (Wicquefort) and before 
KZ2164 (Ziegler), but both these numbers are specific to the authors. 
How should I construct a number for Wlodkowic?  It seems a range 
number similar to KZ2157 is needed.



Kathy Winzer
Catalog Librarian
Robert Crown Law Library
Stanford University
Stanford, CA  94305-8612

e-mail:  kwinzer at stanford.edu
phone: 650-723-0343     fax: 650-723-8657

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