From phay at Mon Apr 3 08:20:18 2017 From: phay at (Hayward, Patricia A) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2017 08:20:18 -0400 Subject: [Classweb-users] Changes to Class Web Message-ID: <4B69147F9160DD4A82ED59213196D5DA0172103E666E@LCXCLMB02.LCDS.LOC.GOV> ClassWeb is in the process of being upgraded to a new look and feel that incorporates the latest web site technologies. The current production version of ClassWeb is 3.1. The new system is ClassWeb 4. The Account Management System is the first major component to be completed with the aim of getting feedback from ClassWeb administrators on the new design. This is *your* opportunity to be heard about features you would like improved, added or removed. This can include how menus are structured, how the screens are designed and how the software runs your everyday tasks. *Please* let us know what you think. A very detailed and helpful tutorial is available here: I encourage all to read first for a good overview. I am coordinating the feedback effort and may be emailed at phay at As always, we are very appreciative of your continued support of Class Web! Patricia A. Hayward Product Services librarian Policy and Standards Division Library of Congress LA-306 101 Independence Ave. SE Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-3832 phay at