[Classweb-users] LCSH: Stock companies - Unincorporated?

Zbigniew Zakrzewski z.zakrzewski at uw.edu.pl
Fri Oct 1 06:13:35 EDT 2010

Under the heading "Stock companies" there is usage note: "Here are entered 
works on unincorporated business associations whose capital is divided into 
transferable shares". My guess so far and our cataloging practice was it 
would be an incorporated company. In Class schedules, for exemple in Polish 
law: KKP1050 is under the caption "Stock companies. Incorporated business 
associations" so it rather assumes a stock company is an incorporated 
business association. Which option is true? 

Thank you for your comments. 

Zbigniew Zakrzewski 

Warsaw University Library
Warsaw, Poland 


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