[Classweb-users] Television broadcasting of sports

Helen Buhler H.M.Buhler at kent.ac.uk
Wed Aug 24 08:47:26 EDT 2005


> I have a puzzle.  I am trying to find a call number for this subject
> heading that fits book in hand, entitled Television sports production.  It
> covers the technical aspects of televising a sports event, such as camera
> set-up, etc.
> Through a subject search in LC's catalog, and then doing a call number
> search on the numbers found, I came up with GV719.  However, this is not
> listed in the current version of Classification Web, so I am not sure if it
> is currently used.  If it is, it seems to take two cutters, but it is not
> clear to me how these are assigned.
> The title did have copy, and a Dewey number was assigned.  Searching in
> ClassWeb under the Dewey number for the LC, I came up with PN 1992.8,
> which, despite the caption, really seems to be the number used for nearly
> all types of broadcasts (in fact, "Pyramids (Gymnastics) is there under
> PN1992.8.P95), but nothing here for sports. PN1992.75 is television
> broadcasting generally, but this seems to broad a classification.
In which case we could do with one!  Propose one to LC using the form
available on the same page as the weekly lists: all those I've asked
for have been given (maybe with a slightly different Cutter, but
that's no problem).

I tried the Correlation search under Television broadcasting of sports
and all the numbers given seemed to be for the broadcasting of a
specific event and classified with the event.  A look through LC's
catalogue didn't help either.  If it were my book I'd propose a number
and watch the weekly lists.

Helen Buhler,
Classification Coordinator, The Templeman Library,
The University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NU.    
Email: H.M.Buhler at kent.ac.uk  Fax: +44 (0)1227 827107 
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