[Classweb-users] presiedent and election and succession

Roman Frackowski rfrackow at rci.rutgers.edu
Fri Aug 5 13:14:37 EDT 2005

Under KLB2535 for kings, princes, rulers in Special topics you provide
"Election" category (KLB2535.E43) whereas in KLB2544 for Presidents,
governors, in Special topics you provide "Succession" category
(KLB2544.S83) and no election at all!!.
Should not it be the other way around?! Or rather "Election" struck out
from Kings,princes, rulers as well as "Succession"  from
Presidents, governors, and put "Election" in under Presidents?
("Succession" would not be needed under Kings,princes, since a
category "Succession to the throne" is already in).
 My best,

Roman Frackowski
Library Associate I, Cataloger
Rutgers University Libraries
Technical and Automated Services
New Brunswick-Piscataway Campus
47 Davidson Rd.
Piscataway NJ 08854-5603
ph. #(732) 445-5902

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