| (C) |
450 | UF Gaza Strip residents ADD FIELD |
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150 | Pittsburghers [dp2024060145] |
| (C) |
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450 | UF Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, residents |
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150 | Saudi Americans [dp2024060146] |
| (C) |
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450 | UF Americans, Saudi Arabian |
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450 | UF Saudi Arabian Americans |
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150 | Seventh-Day Adventists CHANGE HEADING |
| (C) |
150 | Seventh-day Adventists [dp2015060565] |
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450 | UF Seventh-day Adventist Christians |
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150 | Stonewall Book Award winners [dp2024060144] |
| (C) |
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450 | UF Barbara Gittings Literature Award winners |
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450 | UF Gay and Lesbian Book Award winners |
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450 | UF Gay Book Award winners |
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450 | UF Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Book Award winners |
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450 | UF Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Book Award winners |
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450 | UF Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award winners |
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450 | UF Mike Morgan & Larry Romans Children's & Young Adult Literature Award |
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450 | UF Mike Morgan and Larry Romans Children's and Young Adult Literature Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Barbara Gittings Literature Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Gay and Lesbian Book Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Gay Book Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Book Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Book Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Mike Morgan and Larry Romans Children's and Young Adult Literature Award |
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450 | UF Winners, Stonewall Book Award |
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150 | Vietnamese Belgians [dp2024060142] |
| (C) |
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450 | UF Belges d'origine vietnamienne |
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450 | UF Belgians, Vietnamese |
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450 | UF Vietnamienne, Belges d'origine |
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150 | Wetland scientists [dp2024060143] |
| (C) |
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450 | UF Wetland research scientists |
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450 | UF Wetlands research scientists |
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450 | UF Wetlands scientists |
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