155 | Ballets (Dance) [gp2023026112] |
| (C) |
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455 | UF Classical ballets (Dance) |
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455 | UF Contemporary ballets (Dance) |
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455 | UF Neoclassical ballets (Dance) |
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455 | UF Romantic ballets (Dance) |
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455 | UF Filmed ballets [Former heading] |
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455 | UF Televised ballets [Former heading] |
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688 | Heading changed from Filmed ballets and Televised ballets to Ballets (Dance) in May 2024. |
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155 | Ballroom dances [gp2023026114] |
| (C) |
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680 | Dances for couples performing conventional step patterns and traditionally performed in social or competitive settings, and dances composed stylistically and/or ideologically within these traditions. |
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155 | Closet drama [gp2024026010] |
| (C) |
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680 | Plays written solely or primarily for reading rather than for performance on stage. |
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155 | Concert dances [gp2023026131] |
| (C) |
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455 | UF Presentational dances |
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680 | Dances for staged performance, usually associated with music, whether created as an integral part of the work or to otherwise accompany or enhance it. |
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| (C) |
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455 | UF Filmed dance [Former heading] |
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455 | UF Televised dance [Former heading] |
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680 | Dances from any tradition that are not of a more specific genre/form. |
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680 | Heading changed from Filmed dance and Televised dance to Dance in May 2024. |
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155 | Filmed ballets CANCEL HEADING [gp2011026264] |
| (C) |
682 | This authority record has been deleted because the genre/form term is covered by the genre/form terms Filmed performances (DLC)gf2011026276 and Ballets (Dance) (DLC) gp2023026112 |
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155 | Filmed dance CANCEL HEADING [gp2011026266] |
| (C) |
682 | This authority record has been deleted because the genre/form term is covered by the genre/form terms Filmed performances (DLC)gf2011026276 and Dance (DLC) gp2023026091 |
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155 | Filmed tangos CANCEL HEADING [gp2019026042] |
| (C) |
682 | This authority record has been deleted because the genre/form term is covered by the genre/form terms Filmed performances (DLC)gf2011026276 and Tangos (Dance0 (DLC) gp2023026113 |
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155 | Introductory works [gp2024026009] |
| (C) |
455 | UF Introductions (Introductory works) |
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555 | BT Informational works |
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555 | BT Instructional and educational works |
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680 | Works that provide basic elementary information about a subject. |
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155 | Prefatory works [gp2023026037] |
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555 | BT Informational works |
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688 | Established August 2023. Heading changed from Prefaces to Prefatory works in May 2024. |
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155 | Tangos (Dance) [gp2023026113] |
| (C) |
455 | UF Filmed tangos [Former heading] |
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680 | Heading changes from Filmed tangos to Tangos (Dance) in May 2024. |
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155 | Televised ballets CANCEL HEADING [gp2011026635] |
| (C) |
682 | This authority record has been deleted because the genre/form term is covered by the genre/form terms Televised performances (DLC)gf2011026646 and Ballets (DLC)gp2023026112 |
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155 | Televised dance CANCEL HEADING [gp2011026638] |
| (C) |
682 | This authority record has been deleted because the genre/form term is covered by the genre/form terms Televised performances (DLC)gf2011026646 and Dance (DLC) gp2023026091 |
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