150 | Athanase-David Prize winners [dp2024060028] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Prix Athanase-David winners |
| |
450 | UF Winners, Athanase-David Prize |
| |
450 | UF Winners, Prix Athanase-David |
| |
150 | Basses (Singers) [dp2024060025] |
| |
| |
| |
| (C) |
150 | Blind people [dp2015060142] |
| |
| |
450 | UF Blind [Former heading] |
| |
| |
450 | UF Blindness, People with |
| |
450 | UF People who are blind |
| |
450 | UF People with blindness |
| |
450 | UF Persons who are blind |
| |
450 | UF Persons with blindness |
| |
550 | BT People with visual disabilities |
| |
150 | Bulgarian Canadians [dp2024060019] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Bulgare, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
450 | UF Canadians, Bulgarian |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine bulgare |
| |
150 | Chinese, Teachers of [dp2023060052] |
| |
| |
450 | UF Chinese language teachers |
| |
450 | UF Chinese literature teachers |
| |
| |
| |
450 | UF Teachers of Chinese |
| |
| |
550 | BT Literature teachers |
| |
680 | Teachers of Chinese language and/or Chinese literature. |
| |
150 | Colombian Canadians [dp2024060024] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Canadians, Colombian |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine colombienne |
| |
450 | UF Colombienne, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
| (C) |
150 | Deaf people [dp2015060141] |
| |
| |
450 | UF Deaf [Former heading] |
| |
| |
450 | UF Deafness, People with |
| |
450 | UF People who are deaf |
| |
450 | UF People with deafness |
| |
450 | UF Persons who are deaf |
| |
450 | UF Persons with deafness |
| |
550 | BT Hard of hearing people |
| |
150 | Deafblind CHANGE HEADING |
| (C) |
150 | Deafblind people [dp2015060143] |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
450 | UF Deaf-blindness, People with |
| |
450 | UF Deafblind [Former heading] |
| |
| |
450 | UF Deafblindness, People with |
| |
450 | UF People who are deaf-blind |
| |
450 | UF People who are deafblind |
| |
450 | UF People with deaf-blindness |
| |
450 | UF People with deafblindness |
| |
450 | UF Persons who are deaf-blind |
| |
450 | UF Persons who are deafblind |
| |
450 | UF Persons with deaf-blindness |
| |
450 | UF Persons with deafblindness |
| |
550 | BT Hard of hearing people |
| |
550 | BT People with visual disabilities |
| |
150 | Depressed people [dp2015060201] |
| |
450 | UF People with depression ADD FIELD |
| |
550 | BT Mentally ill DELETE FIELD |
| |
550 | BT People with mental illness ADD FIELD |
| |
150 | Ecuadorian Canadians [dp2024060016] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Canadians, Ecuadorian |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine équatorienne |
| |
450 | UF Équatorienne, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
150 | Greek Canadians [dp2024060023] |
| (C) |
| |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine grecque |
| |
450 | UF Grecque, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
150 | Hearing impaired CHANGE HEADING |
| (C) |
150 | Hard of hearing people [dp2015060140] |
| |
| |
450 | UF Hard of hearing persons |
| |
450 | UF Hearing disabilities, People with |
| |
450 | UF Hearing disability, People with a |
| |
450 | UF Hearing disabled people |
| |
450 | UF Hearing impaired [Former heading] |
| |
450 | UF Hearing impaired people |
| |
450 | UF Hearing impairments, People with |
| |
450 | UF Hearing loss, People with |
| |
450 | UF People who are hard of hearing |
| |
450 | UF People with a hearing disability |
| |
450 | UF People with hearing disabilities |
| |
450 | UF People with hearing impairments |
| |
450 | UF People with hearing loss |
| |
550 | BT People with disabilities |
| |
150 | Hypnotists [dp2023060166] |
| |
| |
| |
150 | Lebanese Canadians [dp2024060020] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Canadians, Lebanese |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine libanaise |
| |
450 | UF Libanaise, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
150 | Montenegrin Americans [dp2024060021] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Americans, Montenegrin |
| |
150 | Oral historians [dp2024060006] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Interviewers, Oral history |
| |
450 | UF Oral history interviewers |
| |
450 | UF Oral history practitioners |
| |
450 | UF Practitioners, Oral history |
| |
| |
150 | Peruvian Canadians [dp2024060015] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Canadians, Peruvian |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine péruvienne |
| |
450 | UF Péruvienne, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
150 | Rapa Nui speakers [dp2024060014] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Easter Island speakers |
| |
| |
| |
| |
450 | UF Speakers of Easter Island |
| |
450 | UF Speakers of Pascuan |
| |
450 | UF Speakers of Pascuense |
| |
450 | UF Speakers of Rapa Nui |
| |
450 | UF Speakers of Rapanui |
| |
450 | UF Vananga rapa nui speakers |
| |
150 | Scholiasts [dp2023060056] |
| (C) |
| |
| |
150 | Serbian Canadians [dp2024060026] |
| (C) |
| |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine serbe |
| |
| |
450 | UF Serbe, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
150 | Sexologists [dp2023060165] |
| |
| |
150 | Somali (African people) [dp2023060171] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Dadka Somalis (African people) |
| |
450 | UF Somalis (African people) |
| |
450 | UF Soomaali (African people) |
| |
450 | UF Soomaalida (African people) |
| |
680 | Ethnic Somali. For residents of Somalia see Somalis (Somalia). |
| |
681 | Note under Somalis (Somalia) |
| |
150 | South African Americans [dp2024060017] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Americans, South African |
| |
150 | Spanish Canadians [dp2024060022] |
| (C) |
| |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens d'origine espagnole |
| |
450 | UF Canadiens espagnols |
| |
450 | UF Espagnole, Canadiens d'origine |
| |
150 | Tanzanian Americans [dp2024060018] |
| (C) |
| |
450 | UF Americans, Tanzanian |
| |