Names Search

The name search system locates and displays LC Name Headings using one or more of the following access points:

Keyword (Heading & Ref.)
Keyword (all fields)
Classification number

The first three access points (all but Classification number) give you the option to search all names or to narrow your seach to one of the following types of names:

Personal name
Corporate name (including conference names)
Title/Series (a.k.a. uniform title)
Geographic name
Name & Title

Main Menu
Access the LC Classification search page from the main menu by clicking on the LC Classification Search link. Alternately, click on the Browse link to browse a single access point.

Search Display

The LC name search page looks like this:

In general, with the exception of either of the Keyword access points, when you enter your search criteria into only one of the input boxes and run a search, you will be performing an index browse. The records will be returned in the sorting order for that access point. When browsing an index, you can view all of the records in a database and not just those that match your initial search term. If you prefer, you can force a query to be run by checking either the basic query or boolean query search options before submitting your search request. See below for more information on changing your search options.

If you input one or more words into either Keyword boxes or input values into any two or more access points or check either the basic query or boolean query search options, ClassWeb Plus will run a query to locate all records that meet your criteria. While browse results are returned instantly, a real query may take a few seconds (or even minutes, depending on the search). Also, query results are not returned in any particular sequence, although they tend to be in record number order.

ClassWeb Plus supports truncation searching (you just input a partial search term), boolean (AND, OR and NOT) and mathematical (less than, greater than, etc.) operations, and wild-card characters (? matches any single character and * matches multiple characters). In addition, all keyword access points support phrase and proximity searches.


Search Options
The Search options link on the seach screen provides options that control how searches are run and how the results are displayed. For more information on how search options affect a query, refer to Searching in ClassWeb Plus.

Clicking on the Search options link on the name search screen will change the page like this:

Display Options

How to Search
This page describes those aspects of searching that are unique to name data. For a general introduction to ClassWeb Plus searching, please refer to the following help pages:

Access Points
The access points for name searches include:

This access point includes name headings and their tracings (links to other names). Use the drop-down list to include all names or to narrow your search to a specific type of name.

For All names, this access point includes the following fields:

100, 110, 111, 130, 151,
400, 410, 411, 430, 451,
500, 510, 511, 530, and 551

The other variations include the following fields, respectively:

100, 400 and 500 (Peronal name)
110, 410, 510, 111, 411 and 511 (Corporate/conference name)
130, 430 and 530 (Uniform title/series)
151, 451 and 551 (Geographic name)
1xx, 4xx and 5xx from records that contain a subfield $t in the 1xx (Name & Title)

From each of those fields, the following subfields are extracted:

a - h and j - u

Keyword (Heading & Ref.)
Only those fields listed in this section are included in this keyword index (the same fields as the heading access point without the 5xx tracing fields). Use the drop-down list to include all names or to narrow your search to a specific type of name. There is a separate help page that documents how keyword searching is implemented in ClassWeb Plus.

For All names, this access point includes the following fields in its keyword index:

100, 110, 111, 130, 151,
400, 410, 411, 430, and 451

The other variations include the following fields, respectively:

100 and 400 (Peronal name)
110, 410, 111 and 411 (Corporate/conference name)
130 and 430 (Uniform title/series)
151 and 451 (Geographic name)
1xx and 4xx from records that contain a subfield $t in the 1xx (Name & Title)

From each of those fields, the following subfields are extracted:

a - h and j - u

Keyword (all fields)
This access point can be used to either search for words and phrases that might be found throughout a record (All names) or to search for words and phrases that only appear in particular 1xx, 4xx and 5xx fields. There is a separate help page that documents how keyword searching is implemented in ClassWeb Plus.

For All names, this access point includes all words and phrases found in subfields a - z of the following fields in a record:

1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx and 680

The other variations include the following fields, respectively:

100, 400 and 500 (Peronal name)
110, 410, 510, 111, 411 and 511 (Corporate/conference name)
130, 430 and 530 (Uniform title/series)
151, 451 and 551 (Geographic name)
1xx, 4xx and 5xx from records that contain a subfield $t in the 1xx (Name & Title)

From each of those fields, the following subfields are extracted:

a - h and j - u

Class Number
This access point contains the classification number from each record that has such a number. Not all name headings have a classification number assigned to them.

The classification number access point contains the following fields:

053/a and 053/b

Record Number
Indexed on the LC control number field (001)

Search Results
Search results are displayed a page at a time, with twenty-five or more records per page. You can change the number of records that are returned in any of the following ways:

The results of an index browse and a query differ slightly.

Index Browse Results
If you are browsing an index, the header at the top of the page will display the name of the access point you are using. The results will include a list of index terms followed by a subject heading its cross-references. Here is an example of a heading browse for the topic "Bird" (note that some of the entries have been truncated in this snapshot):


USE  World Bank


USE  Bankers Institute of Rural Development
 Board of International Research in Design
 Joint Committee on Soviet Studies (U.S.). Subcommittee on Bibliography ...
 World Bank

Bird, 1920-1955

USE  Parker, Charlie, 1920-1955

BIRD 2007 (2007 : Berlin, Germany) 
    Found in: Bioinformatics research and development, 2007: ...

BIRD 2008 (2008 : Vienna, Austria) 
    Found in: Bioinformatics research and development, 2008: ...

Clicking on any of the cross references will take you to those name headings. Each established heading is followed by a small white button ( ) that displays a drop-down menu of additinal links for that record (see below).

Query Results
For a query, the header will display the query number and the number of records that matched your criteria. The results will include any matching name heading records and their content. Here is an example of a heading query for the topic "Briefly" (note that some of the entries have been truncated in this snapshot):

Briefly (Washington, D.C.) 
   [KF211.5 .B75]

Found in:  Employment and labor law, c1996: cover (Briefly-- ...
 The attorney-client privilege and the corporation, 1998, c1997: cover (Briefly-- ...
   [See MARC Record for Series Treatment]
 When the bell can't be unrung, 2008: cover (Briefly-- ...
UF  National Legal Center for the Public Interest. Briefly
 AEI Legal Center for the Public Interest. Briefly
 Briefly (National Legal Center for the Public Interest) [Former Heading]

Cyberlaw series 

Found in:  Monitoring electronic mail in the workplace ...
   [See MARC Record for Series Treatment]
 Publisher's note, Aug. 21, 2001 (The Cyberlaw series ...
UF  National Legal Center for the Public Interest. Cyberlaw series
 Briefly (Washington, D.C.). Cyberlaw series

SCM briefly series     [See MARC Record for Series Treatment]

Found in:  Hume's An enquiry concerning human understanding ...
UF  Briefly (SCM Press)

These results are from query number 1 where 3 records were found. The display can include cross references and classification number links. When a name heading record has a LC classification number associated with it, the class number is displayed in square brackets below the heading. Note that the link only includes the classification number and not the cutter. Clicking on a class number will launch the classification browser in a separate window for that number. Any established headings will be followed by a small white button ( ) that displays a drop-down menu of additinal links for that record (see next section).

Record Links
Every name record in the list of search results is followed by a little white button (  ) which, when clicked, displays a drop-down menu of additional links. See above for search display examples. The links can include:

Dewey correlation Displays Dewey classification numbers that are most often used with this LC name heading. Note: If this feature is of no interest to you, you can remove this link from the drop-down menu by changing your account settings.
LC class correlation Displays LC classification numbers that are most often used with this name heading.
MARC record Displays this name heading record with its MARC tags.
Name (creator) => LC class correlation Locates the LC classification numbers most frequently used with a main entry heading (1xx field).
Name (creator) => Dewey correlation Locates the Dewey classification numbers most frequently used with a main entry heading (1xx field).
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